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Friday, December 30, 2005

Happy New Year 2006

For sure 2005 is one of the most memorable year of my life. The software product I worked for was released early this year. No words can explain the thrill and joy I have when I feel that our product is used around the Globe. Thanks to my Employer..

Professionally, I have learnt atleast few good things - from putting bugs in the product to convincing my leads justifying the bug and then solving the problem at customers site. Unbelievable, I ve got two salary hikes this year.

Personally.... hey this is again A Great Year. Didnt get much scoldings from parents as previous years, got some good friends and moreover Felt the joy and pain in being in LOVE and being LOVED.

I ve lived for this year.. And Now.....
Another fresh new year is here …
To banish worry, doubt, and fear,
To love and laugh and give!
Another year to live!

Friday, December 23, 2005

Madras Music Season

Its the end of the year... Not only the climate is cool in Chennai also there is music everywhere in the air. Yes it time for the great Madras Music Festival. Probably this is the largest music event in the world. These concerts are a must visit pilgimage for music lovers, for artists this is a ambitious stage to perfom.

This December 2005, Vetty Officer too joins the celebrations. I've posted a list of few concerts for this season. Hope the information will be useful the music lovers. The information can be accessed by clicking the Link in the Light-Green box near the Google Search on the top of the main page or by clicking here...

Mana-sa..... Sancha-ra-rae.......

Monday, December 19, 2005

Tracing the origin of an e mail

Few days back there was a bomb threat to Indian Parliament through an e-mail. Its was really funny for me to watch our politicians, who shout at each other with no public interests inside the house, running together to save their life. Only the fear of death can bring our politicians together.

Apart from this there was also another incident that caught my attention. Within few hours after the threat our Police were able to trace that the e-mail was sent from a Internet Browsing Cafe from Tirunelveli. Only then I knew the source of an e-mail can be traced from its header. Let me share what I learned from the internet :

Every e-mail has segment called "Header" that is very useful for tracking it. All mail clients provide an option to view the header of an e mail. A Complete message header will look something like this:

Return-Path: [fake@address.com]
Received: from server.mymailhost.com (mail.mymailhost.com [])
by pilot01.cl.msu.edu (8.10.2/8.10.2) with ESMTP id NAA23597;
Fri, 12 Jul 2002 16:11:20 -0400 (EDT)
Received: from aol.com (127-34-56-98.dsl.mybigisp.com [])
by server.mymailhost.com; Fri, 12 Jul 2002 13:09:38 -0700 (PDT)
Date: Fri, 12 Jul 2002 13:09:38 -0700 (PDT)
From: Hot Summer Deals <hot_deals@aol.com>

To: My.Friends@pilot.msu.edu
Subject: Just what you've been waiting for!!

Most common Headers that are known to us in an e-mail are To, From and subject. These headers can be modified by the sender and hence cannot be trusted as genuine. In addition to the afore mentioned headers, there is another important header called "Received" that can give the most useful clues about the origin of the mail.

Each mail server that handles an e-mail will add this "Received" header which contains the IP Address of the mail server. The first Received header has the IP address of your mail server and tracking further below will show the IP Address of the originating mail server. Thus now you have the IP Address of the e-mail origin.

The other parts of this header domain name, system identification can be modified. Hence only the IP Address is reliable. Using the IP Address can be resolved at various sites that provide this service. Example : http://www.dnsstuff.com

For more information Click HERE

Saturday, December 17, 2005

Social Awareness

For sure the entire BPO Industry (why not the entire nation..) will be shocked with the news :
A young woman working in a call centre was allegedly raped and brutally murdered by the company's driver, police said on Friday accusing the multinational of not providing security to women on night duty. [See Details]
For the past few years, IT/BPO has been a great oppurtunity for the women and incidents like these are real shame to our society. No point in blaming each other after losing a life. Atleast in future, lets hope the Police, the Employer and the logistics will make necessary arrangements for the safe of women.

What-so-ever the law does, certainly this is not going to be the last incident of this kind. The real solution is in the society... with each one of us..

Wednesday, December 14, 2005

Vetty Officer 2.0

In recent times there are lots of dicussions on WEB 2.0 . I was eager to know what this WEB 2.0 really means and found the following at Wikipedia :

The term "Web 2.0" refers to what some people see as a second phase of development of the World Wide Web, including its architecture and its applications...

All that I can understand from the discussions there is that there are few tremendous enhancements going on in the Web Applications Developement.

For more information on Web 2.0 through Google click HERE

Well why am I speaking about the technology now??

Yes.. when the technical geeks out there working on Web 2.0 , your lazy little friend Vetty Officer will be working on enhancing his blog ( or atleast try for that...) Hence the new version for my Blog.

No big agenda for my blog. All that I want through my blog are :

1. Improve my English Communication and also to come out of my laziness.
2. Build a Friends Community to share my thoughts
3. Get some knowledge in Web Publishing, SEO, Page Ranks, etc..
4. Any revenue, if possible from the Google Search Box, Google Ads and Firefox reference on the right :-)

Wait for more in Vetty Officer 2.0